Well, sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything. I am back from Ukraine, obviously. I got back Monday morning. The trip was fantastic. My friend and I had a brilliant time seeing old churches, an opera (Madame Butterfly) and enjoying Ukrainian food.
The week has been pretty good since I got back. Class as usual and all that fun stuff. And the election on Tuesday, which has made me incredibly happy. It's been a long time since I have felt proud of America for anything--and I'm happy that the American people made themselves heard this year. I'm hoping that this will be the beginning of positive change for the country.
I don't often talk about my political beliefs on here, but I think I'll take this moment to mention them. Since Bush came into office, America has truly gone downhill. Most Americans do not want a sectarian government that is based upon the religious views of a vocal minority. I'm one of them. There is a reason for the separation of church and state. Many reasons, actually. I'm tired of seeing discrimination in America when it is supposed to be the country of freedom and opportunity. When people think Muslim, they immediately think "terrorist." It's unfair and regressive.
I recently received a forwarded email message from a friend. The message was bemoaning the "intolerance" toward Christians in America--that they can't have public prayer at football games or say "Merry Christmas" in December. However, it failed to mention the fact that if a Muslim student or a Buddhist student or a Jewish or Hindu or Wiccan or Unitarian student wanted to lead the school in a prayer, there would be immediate outrage. It doesn't mention that December is a month full of holidays for many cultures and traditions; Christmas is only one of them. Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Hogmanay, the Winter Solstice...those are considered holidays by millions of people in America too. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I think fussing over the fact that other people want you to say "Happy holidays" makes the "Christmas spirit" deteriorate. It cheapens it.
Republicans say they want less government, but the conservative agenda wants goverment to regulate what they think should be regulated. People's sexuality. Women's uteruses. Which religious symbols should be "permitted" in government cemetaries. (Currently, the pentagram is prohibited on the tombstones of Wiccans who died in action because it is seen by the WASPs {White Anglo-Saxon Protestants} as "evil".) That is NOT freedom. I'm sorry. Disagree with someone's lifestyle, fine. I don't care. But remember that a good 4 billion or so people on this planet disagree with the Christian lifestyle, too. Get over it.
And immigration? Immigration MADE America. Get over that, too. The problem isn't that they are immigrants--if a bunch of Europeans wanted to move to America, they'd probably be welcome. The fucking PROBLEM is that they have darker skin and are poorer than you are. They might make your lifestyle worse...oh dear. Worst case scenario, you have to eat at Panda Express instead of P.F. Changs. Poor baby. If your financial situation sucked as much as a lot of theirs does and you couldn't afford health care or pay for heat for your family, you'd probably get a little desperate and try to find somewhere you could. Oh, wait. I forgot. 45 million Americans can't afford health insurance either.
My bad.
Ooh, and education. Shall we talk about the $45,000 in loans I will be paying back in a year? Should I even compare that with the fact that my buddies in Europe pay 500 euros per semester for their ENTIRE education? And the fact that tuition prices are rising at about 8% per year? Doubt it. What about the millions of bright Americans who can't go to college because they can't afford it, so they perpetuate the cycle of poverty again unless their kids happen to be fricking geniuses or some kind of sports hero.
Speaking of money, let's talk about Bush's fabulous budget deficit...we get the prize for World's Biggest Debtor Ever. Check that shit out. Six years ago, we were the World's Biggest Surplus Ever. So how many trillions of dollars went down the toilet? Imagine what a few trillion dollars could do if used correctly in this sorry world. I know I will.
Not even going to start on foreign policy.
Oh. But one more thing. If you look at a map of America color coded with the percentage of people who live below the poverty level and compare it with a map that shows America's Native American Reservations, you will notice some rather striking similarities.
Right. So the rich capitalists work for their money. Good for them. Well, my family works their asses off for less than $20,000 a year. So do millions of other Americans. Minimum wage cannot support a family. So you like your Lexus. You like your 3,000 square foot house. Well, pretty sure that guy on the corner isn't too happy with his 4 square foot cardboard box. Yes, this is a guilt trip. You know what I think the real problem in America is? It's a country of greed and selfishness. (So, in a nutshell: blind capitalism.) If the rich in America were willing to give up their yacht so that a few thousand people could eat or so a couple kids could go to college, the world would change.
The problem is, it'll never, ever happen. So I'll keep ranting about it and try to vote for people who will tax the disgustingly rich to pay for health care for people who can't afford it. Yeah, I said that. Maybe it's not their responsibility legally to give a shit, but that excuse is just plain callous. I just can't bring myself to feel sorry if someone has to go from a 2 million dollar income to 1.3 million dollar income. Big fricking deal. Does anyone besides me
cringe at the way that sounds? "It is no concern of MINE whether your family has..." "Food?" "Whatever. As long as I get whatever I want, when and how I want it, then you can just go to hell." Stop being so SELFISH. Maybe it's not your responsibility, but you know what? It's human decency. Even animals help each other sometimes. If the rich people of America teamed up and were willing to take a drastic cut in their glittery lives and live like the normal people they keep insisting they are, I have this sneaky feeling that they could probably wipe out world hunger. Or at least wipe out poverty in America. Build schools, roads, homes for people who don't have them, create scholarships, pay for health care. But they won't. Sure they give, but...yeah. I just don't think it's enough. They got lucky in this life. Somewhere along the way, they got rich due to some plain, dumb luck. That doesn't make them more entitled.
Sorry for the ranty digression. And for the language if anyone has sensitive ears. Actually, no I'm not. Those are my opinions, and I'm entitled to them.