Grr. And also Argh.
It's been one of those days. You do something--or several somethings--and it's never enough. You have to do it again, fix this, fix that, then your work's erased and you just plain have to start all over. Don't you just hate that?
Ugh. That's been my day. Sometimes I think hell would be working on a project, then finishing and having someone tell you to fix one thing, you go back, and your project's gone. Over and over and over.
I just had the world's most horrible thought. What if that happened to my BOOK?
I have no words. That's why the whole damn story is backed up on my laptop, my external hard drive, my email account, my thumb drive, and on blogger. Eat that, computer minions.
Speaking of book, it's almost done. ALMOST DONE! Oh, god. I'll keel over with happiness.
I really can't believe it. I'm almost A Novelist. Till now, I've been a struggling writer. Gimme a week, and I'll graduate to someone who actually finished what she started. Egad, Brain.
Okay. I'm back to work. Just had to spaz out for a minute.