Banks, tanks, and money transfers
So, now that I have my money, I've been faced with the interesting problem of trying to pay my university here. Obstacle the First: they are charging me in euros, and the national currency of Poland is the zloty. Obstacle the Second: my bank does not DO international money transfers. Obstacle the Third: I have a spending limit on my bank account for each day. Grr.
However, it might all get worked out thanks to the nice people at my parent's bank.
Next news, I have been all flu-y this week, and that is the reason for the lack of writage. Thursday night I kind of crashed and spent the weekend fevered and generally miserable. Now it's moved into my lungs/sinuses, which we all know is the FUN stage of being sick. Blechh.
Am getting slowly better and following advice from everyone in the world. Drink water, take shots of lemon juice, mix garlic with lemon and slam it, take more vitamin C, stand on your head and do a one-handed push-up while spinning a cat by his tail with the other hand, you know. The usual.
Just kidding--you know I wouldn't take shots of lemon and garlic. *wink*
Other than that though, things are very good. My orientation week has officially started, which is exciting. I even met a new person. Yay! And I get to spend this weekend in the lovely city of Zakopane, which as of today I found out that the name of that town means quite literally "buried." In winter they sure are, so that's no surprise. Also, random sidenote about the Polish language, because of the fact that it is a declining language (not decreasing, but every noun and adjective, etc., has about 14 different forms based upon where it is found in the sentence and the role it plays), when you say you are going to a place or that you are in a place, the word changes. And Zakopane happens to be an adjective, so it uses the adjectival forms of the declensions. Krakow is a noun, so I am going TO Krakowa, am IN Krakowie, etc. Fairly normal. Zakopane follows a different rule though...I am going TO Zakopanego, and I am IN Zakopanem. Interesting, that. So if you are in Zakopane, you are buried very deeply. :)
That is about all the news I have for today. Tomorrow I am going to go talk to the nice people at the Lingualand language school and see what they say about lil ole me taking classes from them. I was proud of myself at the bank; in spite of stuffiness and not knowing an excessive amount of banky terms, I managed to make myself understood and understand in return, whcih was exciting. I even managed to speak rather fluidly without too many halts. Good on me. Anyway.
Peace out.
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