Exploits of Whimsy

17 October 2006

I'm too sexy for my rower, too sexy for my rower...

Okay, so first off, pronounce "rower" like this: ROW-vehr, with rolled r's. It's Polish for (yay!) bicycle!!! And I spent four hours today on said bicycle with six other friends (they had their own) and we drove all over the place. It's amazing that you can get on a bike and be out of the city in about 20 minutes. In an hour and a half, you can be in the middle of nowhere basically in a tiny village with a beautiful medieval church and the world's cutest kitten.
I went with Martina, Indre, Donatas, Marc, Hannes, and Marion, and it was really brilliant. The trees in the Polish countryside are starting to turn, and the ivy is blazing this blood-red color. We rode along the Wisla for about an hour till we got to the church, which was really beautiful. everything inside was white and gold and soft colors. Everyone was very quiet and respectful, which was cool. And when we came out...KITTY!!!
Marc found a tiny tabby kitten wandering around, and this kitty was the sweetest thing ever--he let us all hold him and just purred and purred and slept and pounced my scarf. Marion liked him so much that she stayed with him while we found food. :) I have missed being around cats so much. They're such a comfort, really. We had lunch by the river and met another cat...this one had a mission though. Martina looked away for one second and the cat took off with her entire sandwich, lol.
Anyway. We took a different route back, got kinda lost, went off-roading, and altogether only paid 20 zloty each for this adventure.
I think I have friends. That's kinda cool.


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